Décryptage et Revalorisation de L'Art de L’Écu, de La Chevalerie et du Haut Langage Poétique en Héraldique. Courtoisie, Discipline, Raffinement de La Conscience, état de Vigilance et Intention d'Unicité en La Fraternité d'un Nouveau Monde !

vendredi 17 février 2017

It's raining

Blason de Synados des Sept Fontaines

What did I hear?
Was it pain ?
No it's raining, no it's raining
Aah that's why i see blurred
What do I see again?
Was it tears ? Are you choked ?
No it's raining, no it's raining
Aah that's why i was soaked

What do I smell?
Was it hell ?
No it's hearth, no it's hearth 
Oh that's why i feel heat

What do I taste?
Is it blood ?
No it's flood no it's flood
Ah because it's raining

What do I touch?
It hurts.
I feel in pain 
It's not raining, it's not raining 
I'm bleeding so much
It hurts, I burn, I'm consuming myself
Let me know
how my lamentations will become

Was i tried ? Was I tired?
And i lied, and i lied


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